Monthly Archives: February 2012

Subject change, and rapidly

This has magically become a place in which I rant.


I will stop ranting so much, and post more awesome things like apples. Apples are still awesome and underrated. STILL. After all of my most heartfelt effort to save them, they are still going down in popularity. Bring them back!

Also groovy. That needs to come back.

Apples are groovy.

THERE!!!! I am a genius.

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Posted by on February 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Fanfiction is awesome and stuff

Fanfiction is extremely awesome.


I was going to leave it there, but decided that was completely unacceptable for a post. I just think that generally, fanfiction is awesome.

There is some that is a bit… well… odd, to say the least. And some that is rather badly spelt. But once in a while, you come across a real gem of a story. One with original ideas, and without badly written sex scenes every ten lines.

That is the kind of fanfiction I like.



In a completely unrelated vein, I have decided to start writing fanfiction. I have started a crossover story about The Legend of Zelda, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

It will be TOTALLY awesome.

Also, I want an apple.

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Posted by on February 21, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Grammar, spelling, and other mere trifles of modern society.

I believe in using good, if not excellent grammar. I will not read things if they do not contain impeccable spellings.

This can often be a problem for me. For example, I like to read fanfiction. But if that story is not spelt perfectly, then my attention just wanders. I understand that the author may have spent a lot of time and effort on their story, and it may be an excellent story, but I just can’t take you seriously if you don’t know how to spell.

I underlined that bit for emphasis. I hope that shows.

Yes, this is now a bit of a rant, but I feel that this is a problem. Many people can’t distinguish between their, there and they’re or your and you’re. Nowadays, all you need is a spell checker and an internet thesaurus and you sound like a bloody genius.

In my writing, I naturally use long, or ‘fancy’ sounding words, often prompting my teachers to ask if I use a thesaurus. It all comes from my brain. I think that people should spend more time learning their English, and less time posting inane nonsense on the Facebook.

Rant over.

Many apologies.

(I just read this over, and it gets more ranty as it goes on. Strange)

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Posted by on February 17, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Apples, and why they are awesome

I really like apples. I think they are under appreciated in the society of today, and believe that they deserve the recognition and the love they used to have.

Years ago, apples were the only fruit available to the poor, as they were one of the easiest fruits to grow in the climate of England. They were also cheaper than other, more exotic fruits, such as grapes. This is mainly where the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” comes from.

Eating an apple in the morning is more effective at waking you up than caffeine, they are a good source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K, and contain minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese and magnesium. (There are other vitamins and minerals, but most of them just sound scary and off-putting.) They are hydrating, and there are lots of other, medical reasons to eat them. For those reasons which I cannot be bothered to write, click this exciting link here. –>

Apples are pretty and also bloody delicious. Think about it, would Snow White have risked her life for an orange? NO. She would have not. They’re just not the same, are they?

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Posted by on February 12, 2012 in Uncategorized


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