Tag Archives: Blogging

Blogging, and punctuality

These two subjects are almost completely unrelated. but never mind.

In the true spirit of oddity, I will start with the second subject mentioned in the title. Punctuality. Something I am terrible at. It has got so bad, that my friend and I discussed telling each other to meet half an hour before we actually want to meet.

THIS IS VERY BAD, especially when you are 17 and can’t get anywhere on time. I don’t even know how I manage it. It is getting ridiculous. I truly believe that I need help.

I’m not really sure of the relevance of that, but smeh, anyway, on with the blogging!

I find it difficult to keep to a schedule of when to post, so it normally ends up being totally random. I apologise. I also need to start planning things, instead of improvising. Off topic AGAIN. SORRY.

What I actually wanted to say, is that I don’t know how people do it.

How they manage to blog every day, or every week, or whenever they have time.

Because I am so bad at life, I genuinely can’t keep to an actual schedule for anything.

I struggle enough at college trying to remember what day it is. I AM DOOMED.

So… this had no point at all, and just turned into a giant bunch of ramble. SORRY. I will try to put something meaningful, or more on an actual topic, sometime in the future.

I’ll set a reminder, or write it on my face or something. I will try REALLY hard not to forget (and that’ll work) SHUT UP BRACKETED TEXT YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY LIFE

Maybe I should try to sleep now.

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Posted by on April 8, 2012 in Uncategorized


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