Tag Archives: new year

Happy 2012, insert optimistic comment here

So, it’s a new year.

(It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new liiiiiiiiiiiife….fooor meeeee…..)

Sorry, slight musical outburst there. It happens sometimes. Uncontrollable.

Technically, it’s been the new year for two days now. It feels exactly the same as the old year so far.

I will now present a small list of important and significant things that I have done so far this year.

  1. Experienced a horrific nine hour night flight in which I did not sleep much, and when I did, I had really strange dreams as I was listening to music.
  2. Eaten too much Christmas cake.
  3. Dyed my hair.

Only two days in and I have done all this! I can’t wait for the wonders to come!

Before I forget, I have bad jet-lag. I fully expect to accidentally fall asleep on someone at college tomorrow. Hopefully someone I know, and not a complete stranger as that would be somewhat awkward.

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Posted by on January 2, 2012 in Uncategorized


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